giovedì 29 gennaio 2009

Regalo di Compleanno

Ho scoperto che Bono&Co. hanno pensato a me e al mio compleanno.
Il 2 marzo, proprio il 2 marzo, esce 'No Line On The Horizon', l'album nuovo.
La copertina ben si sposa con il titolo, 'Get On Your Boots', la traccia che hanno buttato fuori ora per promozione, ben si sposa invece con nulla.
Al quinto ascolto si comincia ad apprezzare il giro di basso e a notare qualche tocco raffinato alla U2 ma l'impressione e' che al pezzo manchi la carica trascinante e l'adrenalina incalzante di Vertigo.
Se si trattasse di un'altra band, direi che la traccia di lancio e' sbagliata, ce ne voleva una piu' facile. Trattandosi degli U2, e' palese che loro abbiano un bonus e possano permettersi di lanciare quello che cazzo gli pare.
Vale la pena citare l'incipit che per certi versi mi calza a pennello di questi tempi.

Future needs a big kiss
Winds blow with a twist
Never seen a move like this
Can you see it too?
Night is falling everywhere
Rockets hit the funfair
Satan loves a bomb scare
But it won’t scare you

ps: nasci in una famiglia-bene, leggi, ti educhi, fai le scuole alte, ti dai un tono. Ma alla fine per certe cose prevale la natura, e quella dell'uomo e' di essere violento e brutale, e capisci che ci vogliono i sistemi antichi. La vittoria della scimmia sull'uomo, e sticazzi. Viva la scimmia.

Nessun commento:


.Song Along

All Along The Watchtower
io sono il joker, lui il thief

There must be some way out of here
Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion here
I can't get no relief
Businessmen they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None of them know along the line
What any of this is worth

No reason to get excited
The thief, he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
Who think that life is but a joke
But you and I, we've been through that
And that is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
Because the hour is getting late

All along the watchtower
I steadily kept my view
While my woman came and went
Barefoot servants too

All I got is a red guitar
Three chords
And the truth

All I got is a red guitar
The rest is up to you

There's no reason to get excited
The thief, he kindly spoke
There are some among us here
Say that life is just a joke
You and I, we've been through that
And that is not our fate (at least today)
So let us not talk falsely now
Because the hour is getting late

Love over Gold

dire straits

You walk out on the high wire
you're a dancer on thin ice
you pay no heed to the danger
and less to advice
your footsteps are forbidden
but with a knowledge of your sin
you throw your love to all the strangers
and caution to the wind

And you go dancing through doorways
just to see what you will find
leaving nothing to interfere
with the crazy balance of your mind
and when you finally reappear
at the place where you came in
you've thrown your love to all the strangers
and caution to the wind

It takes love over gold
and mind over matter
to do what you do that you must
when the things that you hold
can fall and be shattered
or run through your fingers like dust


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